
Casio FX-115ES

18 сом
Price in points: 18 points

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Number of Functions 279
2-Line Digit Yes
Natural Textbook Yes
Digits 10 + 2
Store/Recall Yes/Yes
Recall & Edit values Yes
Number of independent memories 1
Number of constant memories 6
Operating system S - V.P.A.M
Protective hard case Yes
Clear last entry and clear all Yes
Review & edit preview entries Yes
Overhead Model Available Yes
Fixed decemial capabilities Yes
Multi-replay Yes
Plastic Keys Yes
Metric conversions Yes
Scientific notation Yes
Parenthesis/Constant Yes/-
Pi Yes
Xth root Yes
Fraction calculations Yes
Complex numbers Yes
DMS <> DD / P <> R Conversions Yes/Yes
Sin, Cos, Tan, & Inverses Yes
Hyperbolic Functions Yes
Converts between DEG, RAD, GRAD Yes
One/two variable Yes/Yes
Mean, sum, # elements Yes
Standard Deviation Yes
Linear Regression Yes
Log, In, Inverse Log, Exponential Yes
Store and edit data in memory Yes
Quadratic, log, exp, power, inverse regression Yes
nPr, cPr, x! Yes
Random number generator Yes
Complex number calculations No
Numeric integration No
Numeric differential calculations No
Power/Unit Dimensions  
Power Solar Plus w/Battery back-up
Auto Power Off Yes
Battery -
Size (H x W x L) Inches Not available
Weight (ounces) Not available


Technical Specifications subject to change

The FX-115ES is permitted on AP, SAT and PSAT/NMSQT. Policies are subject to change. Visitwww.collegeboard.comfor more information.


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