
5.1 Channel Blu-ray 3D Home Theater System

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Whether you are viewing a premium-quality 2D picture or seeing incredible 3D depth, images are breathtakingly real in Samsung Full HD. Combine with a 3D TV and 3D active shutter glasses to view the latest Hollywood 3D titles or amplify your viewing experience by upconverting 2D content to immersive 3D.

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+ High frequencies are great
+ The surround sound is awesome
- Mid-range could be a bit clearer
- Lacks lower frequencies
Purchased this for my home theater. I am a bit wary when it comes to 5.1 Channel systems, but decided to give it a try. The sound is nice, although the mid-range could have been a bit clearer. The system definitely lacks the low frequencies, so I am currently in search for a good sub-woofer. The high frequencies are crystal clear, though, and the surround sound simply blows you away. I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, but it definitely is quite a good product in its segment, although not perfect.

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