
Toshiba BDX2150 Blu-ray Player

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Enjoy the clarity of Blu-ray and the convenience of streaming media with the Toshiba BDX2150 Blu-ray Disc player. Wi-Fi ready for clutter-free in-home connectivity (Wi-Fi adapter required, sold separately), this player lets you enjoy your favorite movies with stunning native 1080p Full HD output plus surround sound with Dolby audio enhancements. Internet connectivity enables you to take advantage of popular streaming services such as Blockbuster, Netflix*, CinemaNow, Pandora, Vudu and YouTube. In addition, BD-Live 2.0 technology allows you to access internet-only bonus material available on many Blu-ray titles. Offering both USB and HDMI with CEC ports, this player is equipped with the latest command and control functionality.

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