Корзина пуста
Series 9 13.3" Laptop
AB: Гоночный картинг + двухлетняя лицензия на гонки K1
Наши преимущества
- — Гарантия 12 месяцев
- — Оповещение по SMS
- — Возврат и обмен
- — Различные способы оплаты
- — Лучшая цена
Варианты оплаты
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You no longer have to shut down your Samsung computer, just close its lid and it goes into a special powerless sleep mode. When you open the lid your computer comes back to life in 3 seconds and you are exactly at the same place as when you shut the lid. Fast Start saves your data and system configurations to your hard drive and PC memory. So, when you power it back on it is just like you left it.
Operating System:
Windows 7 Home Premium
Storage Capacity:
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