
The Official SAT Study Guide: Second Edition(TM)

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When it comes to getting answers, go to the source! The Official SAT Study Guide: Second Edition™ features 10 SAT® practice tests created by the test maker. With over 1,000 pages and more than 20 chapters, it's packed with the most up-to-date information students need to get ready for the test.

Students will gain valuable experience and raise their confidence by taking practice tests, by reviewing critical concepts, test-taking approaches, and focused sets of practice questions just like those on the actual SAT.

The Official SAT Study Guide: Second Edition™ will help students get ready for the SAT with:

  • 10 official SAT practice tests, including 3 new recent exams
  • detailed descriptions of math, critical reading, and writing sections of the SAT
  • targeted practice questions for each SAT question type
  • practice essay questions, along with sample essays and annotations
  • a review of math concepts tested in the exam
  • test-taking approaches and suggestions that underscore important points
  • free online score reports
  • exclusive access to online answers and explanations at collegeboard.org
  • $10 discount on The Official SAT Online Course to all book owners

There's also a complete chapter on the PSAT/NMSQT®


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